PIMT is one of the best Hotel Management Colleges in Punjab. This is one of the oldest management institutes in Punjab; PIMT was established in the year 1997. PIMT is listed under the section 2(f) of UGC. Over the last two decades, due to the hard work of all the members in the institute, PIMT become one of the well established, reputed and best Hotel Management Colleges in Punjab.
PIMT is running under Social Welfare Trust and Gobindgarh Educational Trust, offering you a plenty of your dream career courses like: MBA, MCA, MCA (LEET), M.Com (Prof.), BCA, BBA, B.Com (Prof.), B.Sc. (Agriculture), BMS (ATH).
PIMT is the best Hotel Management Colleges in Punjab, since its establishment, the college has proved itself to be a popular destination for young scholars who opt to learn Hotel Management in an appropriate, systematic and creative way.
- “Train students to serve immediately in the appropriate functional areas in the industry for free enterprise individually.”
- “Further enhance such qualities by offering a broad public discovery to the tourism and hospitality industry.”
“Turn our students into useful professionals by focusing on expansion, productivity and progress.
Hotel management is a future worldwide industry and has a multi-focused loom.
- Our mission is to be a leader in the hospitality education, by providing employment oriented education to the hospitality aspirants.
- We are committed to ensuring learning experiences that will help our students realize their greatest potential to adapt and adapt to the ever-changing and changing needs of the hospitality industry.
- Our goal is to facilitate the development of self-confidence and provide our students with the academic foundation necessary for them to reach their true potential and enjoy a successful experience in higher education.
HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY – Hotel Management Colleges in Punjab
The hospitality industry is a part of a larger enterprise known as the travel and tourism industry. The travel and tourism industry is a vast group of businesses with one common goal: providing necessary and desired products and services to the travelers.
“Guests” means those who are away from their homes and it therefore, has generated a perception that the hospitality industry should include or overlap with the tourism industry to a certain extent. Without a clear definition about the scope of the hospitality, some suggested that it should not only cover all lodging and food service options but other tourism related operations, such as airlines and theme parks.
PIMT helps its students develop a sense of belonging to an educational institute of quality, which is concerned about their welfare and meets their academic, professional, social and other needs. A number of activities are being organized at PIMT to foster intellectual development of its students.
The Infrastructure at PIMT (best Hotel Management Colleges in Punjab)
The institute has the entire infrastructure and facilities to impart high quality theoretical and practical training which are required for the students to function independently.
- High qualified and experienced Hotel Industry Veterans, Visiting Professors, Master Chefs, Leadership experts are invited.
- Well-furnished lecture halls.
- Communication resource center with state of the art teaching aid.
- Front Office Trg Lab.
- Computer Lab.
- Housekeeping Lab –Room Suite.
- Housekeeping Trg Lab –Room Suite.
- Housekeeping Lab.
- Well equipped computer lab operating on networking system to train on hotel software and related application.
- Audio visual center with state of art teaching aids.
- A training hotel of 4 star standards is available in campus for in-house training to the students.
- Training guest rooms with all amenities.
- Well equipped library with internet broadband connectivity.
- Food and beverage service training restaurants.
- Advanced quantity training production labs.
Placement Cell
It has always been our constant endeavor to meet the expectations of the industry and allied sectors and over the years, our students have always been performing exceedingly well in their chosen careers. PIMT has a path breaking records for employment of graduation and under graduation program.
PIMT is one of the best Hotel Management Colleges in Punjab. As we are best in our placement and counseling cell provides personal career counseling, career development seminars, industrial visit which aids to develop the practical knowledge as well as theoretical knowledge.
Facilities at the best Hotel Management Colleges in Punjab
PIMT is one of the best Hotel Management Colleges in Punjab. As we are providing you a number of facilities for feel you at ease in the campus. PIMT is the best institute for the course of hotel management. We are taking care all the needs of the students. Follow are the facilities provided to the students:
- Wi-Fi enabled campus: The full campus area is enabled with the 30 MBPS exclusive connectivity of Wi-Fi. Students can use the dedicated labs to access the free 24*7 internet facility in the campus and in the hostel.
- Cafeteria: We are concerning for the physical health of the students. As food is our primary need, to fulfill this need the institute is providing a hygienic and well nourished cafeteria with the continuous food facility.
- Library: the library is equipped with the vast collection of the management literature. Our library is the life time member of National Digital Library (NDL). The library in the institute is subscribes to a number of periodicals which includes scholarly national and international business magazines and journals.
- Transport: The institute is offering you a dedicated 24*7 bus facility to the students for the in, and out movements. It will aid you to commute easy and is time saving as well. The bus fee is nominal as compare to public transport.
- Counseling Cell: The counseling cell is the place which helps to sort out the issues of the students. It also involves the dealing with any sort of the problems and consults with the counselor. Students can comfortably discuss all the problems as the environment is the confidential where you can feel ease to discuss everything that bothers you.
- Hostel: The hostel is well furnished with the facility of the Wi-Fi. It is equipped with the sports ground, entertainment, computer, water filter, cooler etc. A home like feel you can experience because of the friendly environment.
- Auditorium:
The time to time events are organized in the campus auditorium. The auditorium capacity is the 1000 people. A national and international level seminars, convocation, workshops, guest lecture, cultural programs, and corporate day are organized in the auditorium.
Why to choose PIMT-Best Hotel Management Colleges in Punjab?
PIMT is one of the best Hotel Management Colleges in Punjab. There are many reasons to satisfied you that why one should choose PIMT for Hotel Management course. Follow the reasons:
- PIMT is first AICTE approved institute.
- PIMT is listed under UGC 2[f].
- It is affiliated to IKG-PTU since 1997.
- 20 Years of Education Domination.
- PIMT is amongst top 50 colleges in India.
- PIMT is rated A4 by AIMA and A+++by just careers.
- Well settled students with excellent packages in abroad.
- Join online courses from reputed international users.