Welcome to PIMT
PIMT is listed under Section 2(f) of UGC that is the oldest management institute was established in 1997. We imparting Quality Technical Education and has transformed into the Center of Excellence over the decade and running courses like MBA, MCA, BCA, BBA ,BTTM, B.Sc.(Hons)AGRICULTURE, Over 5 acres of land, the institute houses state of the art academic infrastructure sprawled. Fully wi-fi campus is now vibrant with more than 450 students trying to attain excellence in technical skills and inculcate human and social values making them a true professional ready to face the global challenges.
Gobindgarh Educational and Social Welfare Trust runs PIMT. It is managed by professionals that is a nonprofit, non-proprietary educational body. The trust is well recognized in the academic world for its progressive approach and commitment to excellence. Centralized policies, decentralized administration, well designed institutional programme and flexible management system are the basis of its unique identity.